Monday, November 3, 2014

Responsibilities of Youth for Better India

                    Responsibilities of youth for better India


India is a vast country with the second largest population in the world. Though our civilization is thousands of years old, yet India is considered as a young nation. The population of India is about 125 crores, out of which about 50% belongs to the age group of 15-35 years. This part of the population is termed as youth. Rest 50% of the population are children and old people, who in general, cannot contribute much for nation building. As such, the whole responsibility of the development and betterment of India rests on the shoulders of the youth of the nation. It is the youth of India who will decide the fate of the country and make a place for India in the list of topmost countries of the world.

                                            Now, when we talk of betterment of India, a lot of problems appear on the list which needs to be eradicated in order to make a “better India”. There are lots of multi-facet problems such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, crime, social crime etc.  which the country is facing in the contemporary scenario. The solution of these problems will definitely bring a glorious change in the socio-economic aspect of the country. The youths of the country are engaged in various fields such as medical, engineering, software, business, entrepreneurship etc. Though engaged in different sectors, yet there is a responsibility upon them to make their nation a better one, and this can only be achieved if the youth works towards a common goal of eradicating the problems faced by the country.

                                    The first and major challenge in front of the youths is the eradication of poverty. India is a country where still 30 % of the population is under BPL (Below Poverty Line) status. The youths who are in BPL cannot concentrate on nation building because earning bread and butter for their family is their main concern. They cannot contribute any major part to the nation building, even if they want so. So, thinking and implementation of measures by the youth for the eradication of poverty is utmost important if the nation wants to develop both economically as well as socially. A poverty free India will definitely be a better India.

                                    The second major factor which hinders the path for a better India is illiteracy and lack of skill. Illiteracy can be due to many reasons such as lack of proper facilities and conditions for education, social barriers especially in case of girls in certain religions etc. but the major factor is poverty. Poverty makes the youth drop their school bags and pick up cement bags in their hands. As the problem of poverty is gradually solved, the problem of illiteracy will solve to a certain extent itself. No education and no skill render a youth useless and in spite of his utter desire, he cannot contribute effectively to nation building. So the responsibilities of the youth include making the youths of the country literate and skilled by running various awareness campaigns in the low literacy areas explaining the need of education in the present changing scenario, and emphasizing upon the need of skill development to tackle both illiteracy and poverty. A literate India will definitely be a better India.

                                    The problem of illiteracy gives birth to another major problem faced by our country i.e. Unemployment. Unemployment, is what, has rendered a major fraction of the youth of the country as unproductive. And it is not only the case with illiterate people, even graduates and highly skilled people are sitting in their home as useless. All these things bring frustration in the minds of youth and chances are that it may take the wrong shape. “Empty mind is the Devil’s abode” so goes the saying, and as such the skills and abilities of the youth should be diverted in the right direction. Then only we can expect a better India. An employment full India will definitely be a better India.

                                    Another problem which our country has faced since generations is the problem of corruption. From a small police station to the Parliament- corruption is everywhere. Without bribing the officer, your file does not move from one desk to another. The youth of the country has a very important role to play in this regard. They are the one who can stop this ever running chain of corruption. If the youth pledges to make India corruption free, then the subsequent generations to come will follow the same and the roots of corruption will vanquish from the system. A corruption free India will definitely be a better India.

                        Crime rate is very high in India. Every day when we pick up the newspaper in the morning, it is thronged with the news of rape, murder, dacoity, forgery etc., and most of the times the suspects or the guilty ones are the youth. The major question that arises here is why the youth are engaging in criminal activities. The answer probably is what we discussed so far – poverty, unemployment and corruption. The solution to these problems will automatically bring down the crime rate. Thus it is a major responsibility on the youth to find a sustainable measure for solving such problems and making India crime free. A crime free India will definitely be a better India.

                                    Last, but not the least, our India has been facing some social crimes since ages such as – female foeticide, dowry killing, child marriage etc. with such crimes still being conducted in India, we can never think of a better India. If the children are not safe in the country, if the women are burnt alive for the sake of dowry and even worst, if a girl child is not even allowed to take birth, I can never dream of a better India. Recently our Prime Minister launched Swacha Bharat Abhiyan which aims for the nationwide cleaning. But the real Swacha Bharat Abhiyan needs to be applied to our minds so that the thinking process of the youth is cleansed and they take steps for the immediate abolition of such acts. When these social crimes are eradicated totally apart from the solutions to other discussed problems, that day I will consider India a better place to live in. and I have full belief on the youth of my country that they will leave no stones unturned to achieve this.




  1. Waoo..!! Sandy (sorry for the name) this is nice..and one thing I want to tell you I am arranging a website for the youth of our country named as youthcreativity and there you can submit your articles whenever you want but till now we are not updating our site publicly. so hope you will be interested..!!

  2. Wao great article sandeep vaiya.....!!

  3. thank you deepjyoti... keep supporting me :)


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