Monday, November 3, 2014

Responsibilities of Youth for Better India

                    Responsibilities of youth for better India


India is a vast country with the second largest population in the world. Though our civilization is thousands of years old, yet India is considered as a young nation. The population of India is about 125 crores, out of which about 50% belongs to the age group of 15-35 years. This part of the population is termed as youth. Rest 50% of the population are children and old people, who in general, cannot contribute much for nation building. As such, the whole responsibility of the development and betterment of India rests on the shoulders of the youth of the nation. It is the youth of India who will decide the fate of the country and make a place for India in the list of topmost countries of the world.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The girl with a Red Lipstick.

                             The girl with a Red Lipstick.

“Dada, 2 for ganeshguri.”

I said, as I handed over two partially soiled ten rupees note to the conductor of the city bus. The conductor was, by his looks, a middle aged guy, probably in his 30’s.He was wearing a deep blue colour fully soiled and stained uniform. The condition of the uniform very well spoke that it was more of a burden imposed upon him rather than a part of his duty. The stench of sweat drenched body was filling the little left space in the bus, with utmost dreadful scent, which even overpowered the costly deodorants put on by numerous fellow passengers.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Experience of a lifetime

                                    Hyderabad diaries

Being a NCC cadet, we get lot of opportunities to explore our inner self as well as the outer world and one such opportunity came to me when I was selected for the Air Force Academy Attachment Camp 2010. I am an ex-cadet of NCC air wing, NER directorate and it was a very proud moment for me when I was selected as the only cadet to represent not only Assam but the entire North East India.


                      RELIGION, CASTE AND MODERNITY

“Religion and caste”- the two words which determines the peace and prosperity of a nation, its healthy survival and its pace of development. Religion, as it means, is a way of life, to adopt certain predefined notions and follow them to attain the supreme one at the end. Different people follow different religions, totally based on their choice as well as what religion their fore fathers followed. A country, especially one like India where different religions co-exist, it becomes necessary in the pretext that communal harmony and peace should be maintained between different religious communities. History is evidence of the fact that only that countries prosper and grow where there is an atmosphere of universal brotherhood, strong communal peace and a mindset of brotherhood among its citizen. As it is said “Men makes a nation, religion divides it” which is very true as we have seen India break up into parts based on religion differences during the partition of 1947.

The railway uncle- a short story on child labour

                                               The railway uncle

It was yet another dusky day and the Guwahati railway station was , as usual, filled up with hustling crowd of passengers, some of which waiting for their trains, others standing at tea stalls gulping down tea and discussing politics while some panicking at the enquiry counter, overloading the enquiry guy with arrows of questions seconds by seconds. The loudspeakers echoed together with the announcement of the arrival of the train for which Mr.Baruah was eagerly waiting. Mr.Baruah was a middle aged person, probably in his mid 40’s, a resident of Guwahati. He was not accustomed to travel in a train as he could very well afford the luxuries of a flight but the weather of Guwahati planned a surprise train journey for him and out of adventure he decided to travel in sleeper class rather than AC class. The train arrived and Mr.Baruah boarded it and got himself seated. Other passengers also took their seats one by one and soon the train was packed up to the brim, with hardly any space for anyone.