Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The girl with a Red Lipstick.

                             The girl with a Red Lipstick.

“Dada, 2 for ganeshguri.”

I said, as I handed over two partially soiled ten rupees note to the conductor of the city bus. The conductor was, by his looks, a middle aged guy, probably in his 30’s.He was wearing a deep blue colour fully soiled and stained uniform. The condition of the uniform very well spoke that it was more of a burden imposed upon him rather than a part of his duty. The stench of sweat drenched body was filling the little left space in the bus, with utmost dreadful scent, which even overpowered the costly deodorants put on by numerous fellow passengers.

I and my friend Ravi were going for a hangout at one of our buddy Sourav’s place. It was a boring day, as usual of the numerous boring days of our summer break, in which we have nothing to do but just sit, eat and sleep. So in order to sneak out a little out of such a life we had a plan for a booze party today evening and thus Sourav being the one to stay alone, his place was the obvious choice.

As soon as we were done with that entire conductor thing, our eyes started to scan the bus, for any chance of beauty to be praised by our eyes. Ladies seats were to be the one to scanned first (obviously). We got nothing to see but aunties and grannies sitting, cursing the hot and humid evening, waving the handkerchiefs as fast as they can to produce whatever air they can to evaporate the sweat beads dropping down their head. It was a huge disappointment for us to not get any glamour in the ladies side. With little hope left, we started to scan the other side of the bus- uncles, school boys, labors returning from their work, so called studs busy with their cell phones, a beautiful girl with long hairs, grandpa’s etc…


“A beautiful girl with long hairs!!!!”

Our eyes gleamed as we were admiring her beauty without even blinking our eyes. She was ultra-beautiful. She was wearing a red colour top with bluish floral designs on it, a black velvety mini skirt kind of thing, black stilettos, a small tiger print handbag in one of her hand, her other hand carefully handling the strands of her super smooth straight hairs falling upon her forehead time to time due to the jerking of the bus and the little air that managed to escape from the windows. Her beautiful curved lips were adorned by glossy red lipstick. It looked as such as if she had directly boarded the bus after a ramp show.

Mission “get the girl” started.

Our first step was to get near her seat, which we managed quite easily owing to our being experienced in travelling in city buses of Guwahati, inspite of the bus being filled up to the brim. Now the next big question was how to strike a conversation with her. It should be such that it won’t look like we are trying to be cheap or forcing her to talk. It should look natural. Suddenly an idea struck me. It was a new one which we haven’t tried before but was hoping that it worked.

I took out my mobile, and pretended that I was texting someone. Suddenly I slipped my mobile in her lap and made it look like it slipped off my hand due to the jerking of the bus. We had two options here- either she will get angry and scream out or she will hand over the mobile, which would mean implementation of the next step .

Luckily she handed me back the mobile that too accompanied with a sweet smile.

“oh, I m so sorry”

I said, making a grief stricken face, as if I dropped a nuclear bomb on her, not a mobile.

“its ok. Happens sometimes. The driver is driving too rough.”

She said with a cute voice, accompanied by a gleamy shine in her eyes.

That was too much of a talk in one straight go. It seemed to me as luck was favoring me today. And I got a green signal to extend our conversation.

“yeah, this people don’t drive carefully, always on the race.”  I commented.

She giggled. Another positive sign.

Now this was the right time to get introduced, coz don’t know where she will get down and all this will get over.

“By the way I am Nishant”

“I am Shreya”

“That’s a nice name and it pretty suits a beautiful girl like you.” I said, and then realized that perhaps I have said a bit much. I shouldn’t have said so.

She giggled again. Oh god, I was still in the game.

“By the way your name is nice too.”

Well, this was heading as I expected. Ravi was standing in the side, watching all this happen, probably feeling jealous as I made faces to him showing off my “girl getting skills”. The conversation went on and from what I get to know she was a part time model, which very well explained her diva looks, and an arts student, staying in a hostel, and now was heading to a pub in G.S road.

“Would you like to join me in the pub” she said.

It was an open invitation to me, which I least expected to happen. All I expecting was to get her number before she gets down somewhere and such a wonderful opportunity came stumbling upon me.

“Sure, I won’t mind.” I replied, trying to act calm, hiding all the happiness bursting out of me.

We got down at the location. I was feeling Goosebumps, butterflies and all sort of nonsense things people feel in such situations. We entered the pub.The guard at the entrance gave me a sort of dirty mixed with sarcasm look. It was weird.  The pub was quite imbalanced. Only a few girls were to be seen compared to the number of guys. With drinks in our hand we shifted to a silent corner away from the crowded area.
We were sipping the vodka slowly, talking all  random stuffs ranging from education to new movies. Our eyes met. It was like I was going to have a moment that I have desired since I saw her. Again Ravi was sitting at a table, cursing my good luck, emptying bottles of beer and staring at us.

“You know u have got really appealing eyes.”

I said to her, in a flirtatious tone, trying to please her.

“Yah, I know.”

And before I could say anything more, our lips met.
We kissed. It was a damn hot kiss. I was shocked to the peak.
“Did it really happen?” my mind resonated with such thoughts.
 I was still unable to believe that it all happened for real. I turned to see Ravi. He was staring at us in bewilderment, with his mouth open, jaws dropping, and a look of surprise added with jealousy in his eyes. I looked back at shreya.

She was frowning. She giggled and said,” excuse me, I need to use the bathroom. Could you please hold my purse for a moment?”

“Of course, go ahead.”

She went inside the washroom. I was still amazed and in a state of shock. Suddenly her mobile vibrated inside her handbag. I opened the handbag to check for the cell. But what I found beside her cell phone was a photo. A photo of a teenager guy.

She came back and I was getting all curious to know about that photo guy. I was thinking maybe she have a boyfriend and kind of using me for fun and all only. I felt like being used.
I showed her the photo and asked her straightaway, “Who is this guy?”

She was shocked to find out that I opened her bag and took out the photo. In spite of a look of anger, she was looking nervous and her eyes had a naughty shine. I was preparing myself for the answer. I was sure that the guy might be his boyfriend, or if luck favors his brother at least.

Finally she opened her mouth, and with a mischievous smile said,

“Darling, that’s me, before sex change operation!!!”


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